Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recycle Your Books!

Hey guys!

I have recently been stuck in a cave of book reading and I have read about ten books in two days. (Read more at my blog Uh Oh Monster) And all of those books were from my local library!
Libraries are awesome because they save the environment bye reusing the books and that saves paper, and it is good because it's free, so its good for the economy!

Oh, and did you know that it takes three pounds of wood to make an average book?

This is a very good thing, so 5 points!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Drink Tap Water

Hey there. I am sorry I haven't posted in a while, but here's one!

Drink Tap Water!

1: The plastic pollutes the earth, and that leads to pollution.
2: The plastic in bottled water has been proven to cause cancer, heart disease, and stomach ulcers.
3: The companies give money to people who hire children to work, and steal land from forest preservation organizations.
4: Regardless of what the label says ("100% pure glacier water" or "spring water from healing springs") it has no chemical differences than tap water. It also IS tap water from wells in places like Chicago, Boise, and Los Angeles.

5 points!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Stand Up for What YOU Believe in

First, I need you to think about everything you believe in, like animal rights, the economy or anything like that.

Then, either google search it or find out what places near you can accept money, volunteers, or supplies.

Then, donate time, money, or supplies. Even if you can't donate much, anything will help.

KP: 5

This gives you lots of karma points because it makes you feel good inside because you helped a cause that is close to your heart, and, it,


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#3. Give Back this Holiday, in 2 ways..

I've already told you a good way to give back this holiday season, but I thought that because there are so many families that don't have enough money for Christmas and holiday gifts, that you guys should do some more on this highly commercialized holiday.

The second way of Christmas giving is...
Buy some toys, not very expensive ones, though, and donate them to one of these places:
Portland places:
Join Organization Website
SEI Offices Website
NAYA Offices Website

Worldly Places:
Red Cross
Places like that.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

KP-karma points= 2.75

Sweet job!

Monday, December 22, 2008

#2. Ride Your Bike to School/Work

Everyone knows that the world is in trouble of pollution. But sadly, almost no one tries to stop it. The main cause of this disasterous hole is cars. They are very helpful, I know, but they can cause more trouble than the amount of help they give. To help stop this you can ride a bike to school maybe just once a week. I don't want you to ride everywhere do much that you get too sore to walk; I just want you to ride once a week, and if you feel daring, maybe work your way up to every week.

Karma Points: 2.5
This takes time, and ability, so good job!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some Stuff About Me and this Blog

Hey there do-gooders!

I am a do-gooder myself, and I think there should be more of them in the world. I want the world to be free of pollution, homelessness, sickness and hatred. By reading this you're helping. All of the things I will ask you to do are simple, and they won't make you give up more than an hour of your time, and in most cases no more than five dollars. I have made a playlist at the bottom of the blog filled with inspirational music and the occasional song that'll make you think about life.

My name is Uh Oh Monster, and I am an official do gooder. I have a club for anyone who wants to be one too. It isn't really a club, but you just follow the blog.

My blog about me is Uh Oh Monster.

Please follow the simple rules on the side bar.

Have fun, and get some karma!

#1. Give Back This Christmas

For Christmas, Haunakah, or whatever holiday you celebrate, ask a parent or friend instead of buying you something ask them to donate 20$ to a local charity or foodbank. I'm not asking you to give up presents, just one little present that you'd probably never use anyways.

Karma Points:3

Awesome! Doing this takes selflessness, and a good heart.

Don't forget to comment when you do this.