Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#3. Give Back this Holiday, in 2 ways..

I've already told you a good way to give back this holiday season, but I thought that because there are so many families that don't have enough money for Christmas and holiday gifts, that you guys should do some more on this highly commercialized holiday.

The second way of Christmas giving is...
Buy some toys, not very expensive ones, though, and donate them to one of these places:
Portland places:
Join Organization Website
SEI Offices Website
NAYA Offices Website

Worldly Places:
Red Cross
Places like that.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

KP-karma points= 2.75

Sweet job!


  1. Who do ya think goes to the environmental school!?!?!

  2. Tutti frutti, can you comment about the things in the posts, and not your school?
